Yoyos and T-shirts

Triple Zero Plastic 000 by Luftverk

Triple Zero Plastic 000 by Luftverk


The Luftverk Plastic Triple Zero is a super smooth and fun organic yo-yo. A plastic yo-yo shouldn’t be this good, but Luftverk managed to make another fantastic plastic yo-yo at a great price.

€33,00 (price with 20% vat included) €27,50 vat excluded)
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Plastic Triple Zero is Unresponsive
Diameter: 59mm
Width: 46mm
Weight: 65.4g
Material: Injection Machined Polycarbonate
Bearing: Center Trac
Response: 19mm slim pad

From Luftverk:
This is the Plastic Triple Zero, an “Injection Machined” yoyo which is a technique that achieves that classic Yoyojam over molded bearing seat feel but the quality of a premium machined aluminum. It is first injection molded into a large plastic blank then the profile is completely CNC machined. This particular version is based on the original titanium Triple Zero released in 2018.
The organic shape of the Triple Zero creates the ultimate floaty yoyo experience - aimed at being fast and fun like its titanium counterpart. Capturing the feel of how the original Titanium version moves on string was very important with this project. A clean and minimalistic design language is carried throughout the yoyo and box.

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